Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gratitude Evaporates Frustration

I'm thankful for...

The warm sun that shines down on me. 
The soothing chords in a melody.

The two human beings that gave me sweet life.
The fork I eat my food with, and to cut it, the knife.

The fatty meat, as well as the healthy greens. 
The gourmet meals and the pork and beans.
The nerves and senses that help keep me keen.
The personalities I see from the kind to the mean.

The computers and phones that help the future grow.
The wonderful books that let imagination show.

The small house I live in that is truly a home.
The big world I live in where I freely roam. 

I am thankful.


  1. Very nice poem. I liked how you put effort to make every last word rhyme.

    1. Thank you! I didn't plan on it being a poem at first, but my first two lines rhymed and from there... I just kept going. haha!

  2. Amazing poem; I think everyone can relate to it.

  3. I love that you made it into a rhyming poem. It's so creative and clever.
