Thursday, April 17, 2014

Soundtrack of my Life

My life has been full of surprises, both good and bad. Thankfully, music has always been right there by my side to let me wallow in my pain, rejoice in my jubilation, and all in all, express myself. Recently, I created a soundtrack of my life with songs that accurately illustrate events in my life that have made a huge impact on who I am today. I'd like to share a couple of those songs with you and tell you what they mean to me. For those of you who don't know me, they may seem rather bizarre out of context, but I promise... they all have meaning. Please, feel free to comment with questions about the songs I post. Also, if you find yourself curious about the rest of my life's soundtrack, let me know and perhaps we can go a little deeper into the life of the Girl Behind the Keyboard. For now, we will start with one rather dismal event from my early childhood and an event from my high school day's that gave me both hope and happiness. 
Enjoy, fellow bloggers.

"Warrior" by Demi Lovato
My parents got a divorce three months before I was born; unfortunately, their divorce carried with them after I was born and their burdens were passed on to me. When I was three years old, my father lacked custody of me, which was not okay with him. I was only three years old and didn't really understand what was going on; my dad didn't have any custody of me, because he was “a bad man”. So he could I would live with him, he abducted me (taking me from Des Moines, Iowa to Berkeley, California); he took me after a T-ball game. The abduction landed me in a foster home with two twin boys and a little mermaid themed bed room. My father abused me before and during the abduction, and again when I was nine years old, after he gained joint custody of me. These many occurrences are one event in my mind and the song “Warrior” by Demi Lovato helps me to illustrate those events; these events affected me both physically and emotionally. Lovato sings, “All the pain and the truth, I wear like a battle wound. So ashamed, so confused; I was broken and bruised. Now i’m a warrior, now i’ve got thicker skin. I’m a warrior, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been”. I can relate to Lovato’s song through and through; from the pain to the strength, I really have become a warrior.

“Good Morning” by Mandisa
I could go on and on about this event, but I will spare you by simply giving you the basic details. HOBY has been one of the most meaningful, eventful experiences of my life. HOBY is a leadership seminar that I had the privilege of attending when I was a sophomore in high school. I then became Okoboji's 2011-2012 HOBY Ambassador. I met a few hundred incredible people! I participated in service projects, listened to incredible motivational speakers, and realized that I had a role to fulfill in life and things were going to start looking up for me. I started to focus on my dreams, goals, and friends who were positive and could build me up. Good Morning was the first song that I went up on stage at HOBY to dance too! I had such an incredible time and I really did start looking towards Good Mornings!


  1. Proud of you for realizing your purpose in life and being positive after all you've been through. Keep it up!

  2. Thank you very much, Brittany!
